
PLEASE NOTE: You must reserve a ticket on this site to attend a class. Many classes are held at private residences, so oftentimes exact street addresses will not be provided until your ticket has been confirmed by a teacher.

Prevent Cancer and Other Major Health Problems

YOGA LOVE & meditation boutique 38134 Cleveland Ave., Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

In this 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class you learn how cancer and other major health problems can be prevented by properly and consciously using the Unconditional Love Energies that are contained in negative ions. Our ancient lineage’s wisdom and Love Energy Techniques will help you to self heal yourself from the common source of […]

Reduce Stress and Enjoy Your Life

YOGA LOVE & meditation boutique 38134 Cleveland Ave., Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

Stress is the cause and source of most human health problems. Stress results in unhappiness and health problems. The level of stress in people is now rapidly escalating in today’s hectic, stress filled digital world. But, it has been proven how Unconditional Love Energies reduce stress enabling you to live a happy and joy filled […]

comment méditer et instantanement atteindre l’illumination(en français)

loveenergiecenterstoulouse haute garonne, France

How to Meditate and Instantly Attain Enlightenment This 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class teaches you how to meditate and enables you to instantly experience the legendary state of Consciousness called Enlightenment. Learn how you are far more than the brain of your temporary physical body with only memories of this one lifetime. Your physical […]

Comment Méditer et Instantanément Atteindre l’Illumination (en français)

Love Energy Centers - Toulouse Adresse Communiquée aux Détenteurs d'un Billet, Sur TOULOUSE, OCCITANIE, France

(Traduction en français à venir) This 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class teaches you how to meditate and enables you to instantly experience the legendary state of Consciousness called Enlightenment. Learn how you are far more than the brain of your temporary physical body with only memories of this one lifetime. Your physical body is […]

resoudre les dettes karmiques et retirer les blocages d’énergied’Amour

loveenergiecenterstoulouse haute garonne, France

Guided Karma Cleanse to Remove Love Energy Blockages This 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class explains precisely how karma from your last lifetime was placed in your current physical body for this lifetime. Learn our lineage’s ancient wisdom about past life and current life karma, as well as how unresolved karmic debts from this lifetime […]

Purification de Karma Guidée pour Retirer les Blocages d’Energie d’Amour (en français)

Love Energy Centers - Toulouse Adresse Communiquée aux Détenteurs d'un Billet, Sur TOULOUSE, OCCITANIE, France

(Traduction en français à venir) This 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class explains precisely how karma from your last lifetime was placed in your current physical body for this lifetime. Learn our lineage’s ancient wisdom about past life and current life karma, as well as how unresolved karmic debts from this lifetime causes Love Energy […]

comment réduire le stress(en français)

toulouse haute garonne haute garonne, France

Reduce Stress and Enjoy Your Life Stress is the cause and source of most human health problems. Stress results in unhappiness and health problems. The level of stress in people is now rapidly escalating in today’s hectic, stress filled digital world. But, it has been proven how Unconditional Love Energies reduce stress enabling you to […]

Réduisez le Stress et Appréciez Votre Vie (en français)

Love Energy Centers - Toulouse Adresse Communiquée aux Détenteurs d'un Billet, Sur TOULOUSE, OCCITANIE, France

(Traduction en français à venir) Stress is the cause and source of most human health problems. Stress results in unhappiness and health problems. The level of stress in people is now rapidly escalating in today’s hectic, stress filled digital world. But, it has been proven how Unconditional Love Energies reduce stress enabling you to live […]

Comment Méditer et Instantanément Atteindre l’Illumination (en français)

Love Energy Centers – Narbonne-Plage Adresse Communiquée aux Détenteurs d'un Billet, NARBONNE-PLAGE, OCCITANIE, France

(Traduction en français à venir) This 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class teaches you how to meditate and enables you to instantly experience the legendary state of Consciousness called Enlightenment. Learn how you are far more than the brain of your temporary physical body with only memories of this one lifetime. Your physical body is […]

Purification de Karma Guidée pour Retirer les Blocages d’Énergie d’Amour (en français)

Love Energy Centers – Narbonne-Plage Adresse Communiquée aux Détenteurs d'un Billet, NARBONNE-PLAGE, OCCITANIE, France

(Traduction en français à venir) This 2 Hour Experiences in Enlightenment Class explains precisely how karma from your last lifetime was placed in your current physical body for this lifetime. Learn our lineage’s ancient wisdom about past life and current life karma, as well as how unresolved karmic debts from this lifetime causes Love Energy […]