
Love In Action

LIA-logoOur charitable work benefits a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that is operational in poverty stricken shanty towns in Johannesburg, South Africa. The heart of the project is the 1300 vulnerable and destitute children taken up in 16 day care centres. The NGO adopts an holistic and loving approach serving in the following areas:


LIA-healingOur Love in Action Volunteers offer Love Energized Starfire Healing treatments to the children on a weekly basis, which focus Love Energies to heal the child on a physical body, mental, emotional and Holy Spirit level. The community is so open to receiving the healing treatments as they understand the power of prayer and the importance of free will decision making in the healing process and as such, miraculous results have been recorded.

Supporting Early Childhood Development

LIA-2Creating Love Energized environments and Upgrading day care centers for the children from mere tin shack structures to beautiful safe and nurturing havens, so that they can become formally registered.

Educating Children & Adults

LIA-3Up-skilling adults to better care for the children and providing early education to 640 children aged 4-6 per year. This is the only form of education these young children will receive in their foundation phase. The emphasis of the adult training is on creating a loving and nurturing environment where the children can thrive emotionally, cognitively and socially – so vital in the lives of those who experience much hardship.

Establishing Naturally Grown Food Gardens

LIA-4Through the implementation and training of Permaculture Design technologies, adults are taught to tackle food, nutrition and environmental security issues, allowing them to start out and develop thriving backyard gardens, where the barren earth around the tin shack houses and day care centers are turned into non-toxic, organic food gardens that can feed and heal adding to the children’s daily diets.

We donate $5 from each recording and 10% of proceeds from other products to enable destitute children to eat 3 meals a day and receive preschool education in a Loving way.

Email us for more information on the South African charity we support.

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